Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Medical Records, Faculty of Management and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 MD, Head of Isfahan Oil Industry's Polyclinic, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Perspective of Electronic Health Records (EHR) is not constant in different societies and facing with the opportunities and challenges. In this study attempted to identify challenges of EHR implementation of point of view of custodians in Isfahan Province. Methods: this research was a qualitative study that conducted in 2011 in Isfahan. The method of phenomenology was used so people's experiences through semi-structured depth interview about electronic health records as a new subject in the field of health has been studied. The study population included physicians(n=3), administrators(n=4) and experts in different fields(n=8) with at least a master's degree is related to the content and structure of electronic health records and inform research activities in this area have been or in the planning and introduction of electronic health records in the role of have contributed. Information obtained through hospitals and other relevant authorities in this field such as Deputy Treatment, insurance agencies, universities and General Staff were collected. Using the snowball sampling method that have first inclusion criteria were interviewed, because they then other people who possess the qualifications for entering the study were identified and referred to them for the interview was done. This continuum in order to reach saturation phase information (Information Saturation) and thus continued to study sample consisted of 15 people three doctors, four people from different parts of health managers and eight were experts in the field of electronic health records reached. Result: The researcher divided the challenges to the two areas of infrastructure and structural. Conclusion: Unfortunately, the results of this study showed although physicians are the most important users of electronic health records but at least the comments have presented. If the evidence is due to weakness of their role in the introduction and implementation of electronic health records, these disastrous results will follow. Key words: Electronic Health Record; Challenges; Solutions
