Document Type : بیان دیدگاه


Department of Innovation, SnowaTec Technology Center and Innovation Factory, Entekhab Industrial Group, Isfahan, Iran Adjunct Professor, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, IndiaAdjunct Professor, Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, India


At the moment, there is a risk of hijacking for reputable indexed journals. The cybercriminals search for journals whose websites are not easily reachable to researchers, then develop a fake website for that journals. They mimic the exact name and ISSN of the target journal, and by charging authors, publish papers without peer review. In a new advanced journal hijacking version, cybercriminals register expired domains of academic journals and launch their hijacked journals. To deal with journal hijacking, editors should update the details of their journals on scientific and citation bases. They also have to increase the visibility of their journal website in search engines by utilizing Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. The journals' websites also should be checked against web vulnerabilities and possible issues should be addressed. The problem of journal hijacking is critical, but less discussed. Lack of information about this issue, leads to increasing growth of victims.


Main Subjects

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2.Beall J. What I learned from predatory publishers. Biochemia medica. 2017;27(2):273–8.
3.Elmore SA, Weston EH. Predatory Journals: What They Are and How to Avoid Them. Toxicol Pathol. 2020 Jun 1;48(4):607–10.
4.Cukier S, Helal L, Rice DB, Pupkaite J, Ahmadzai N, Wilson M, et al. Checklists to detect potential predatory biomedical journals: a systematic review. BMC Medicine. 2020 May 18;18(1):104.
5.Dadkhah M, Bianciardi G. Hackers spy scientists. Indian Pediatrics. 2016;53(11):1027.
6.Jalalian M, Dadkhah M. The full story of 90 hijacked journals from August 2011 to June 2015. Geographica Pannonica. 2015;19(2):73–87.
7.Dadkhah M, Rahimnia F, Darbyshire P, Borchardt G. Ten (Bad) reasons researchers publish their papers in hijacked journals. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2021 Oct 1;30(19–20):e60–3.
8.Dadkhah M, Seno SAH, Borchardt G. Current and potential cyber attacks on medical journals; guidelines for improving security. European Journal of Internal Medicine. 2017 Mar 1;38:25–9.
9.Bohannon J. How to hijack a journal. Science. 2015 Nov 20;350(6263):903–5.
10.Dadkhah M. New types of fraud in the academic world by cyber criminals. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2016 Dec 1;72(12):2951–3.
11.Dadkhah M, Borchardt G, Lagzian M. Do You Ignore Information Security in Your Journal Website? Science and Engineering Ethics. 2017 Aug 1;23(4):1227–31.