Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc, Medical Library and Information Sciences, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

2 MSc, Management of Health Services, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran


Introduction: Weblogs as one of the web facilities, are used for information exchange and interaction between people. There is a wide variety of medical information on the internet and there is not adequate monitoring on the quality and accuracy of these information. It seems nessesary to measure the quality of these information with standards. The aim of this study was to compare Persian obstetrics, gynecology and  midwifery blogs with selected criteria Methods: In a descriptive study, Google advance search engine was searched for Persian obstetrics, gynecology and midwifery blogs and 45 blogs selected and evaluated by a checklist. The blogs selected from three blog Service Providers: Blogfa, Blogsky and Persianblog. All blogs with at least five posts related to obstetrics, gynecology and midwifery and meanwhile the posts that were released from Augest 2010 to December 2011 included to this webometric study. The data were analyzed using SPSS 16 and Excell software. Results: Comparing selected blogs with 23 criteria in the cheklist, showed that the rate of blogs was good in 9 criteria, bad in 9 criteria, fair in 3 criteria. It was impossible to comment in 2 criteria because of interval data. One of the blogs titled Pezeshki-e-Balini was the best blog with a highest score (1618.65). Conclusion: According to the results, Persian gynocological blogs suffer from poor qualification. Regarding the role of such information sources in improving women and mothers’ awareness, it seems that much more efforts and attention by managers to improve the quality of these blogs is essential. Key words : Gynecology; Labor; Midwifery; Weblog; Webometric


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