Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran

2 MSc Student, Information Systems Management, Department of Management, Dehaghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dehaghan, Iran


Introduction: Moment awareness of the status of each of the contracting organization can assist administrators in securing and allocating resources. This information may include the precise specifications of the contract, the contract cost resources, contract statements, information and documents, accounting and so on. That is why the contract to provide the information updated automatically and accurately can be very useful for managers. This descriptive survey research methodology, and is a branch of athletics.Methods: The study population consisted University of subordinate units has been agreements specialists whose number is 64 people according to the number of available taking a census. According to research the design and implementation of software quality evaluation software via questionnaires distributed among users were .To check the validity of academics were used to estimate the reliability coefficient Cronbach's alpha (77 % = Α) were used. Data and descriptive statistics were analyzed using SPSS software.Result: According to study data recording software contracts, web design and implementation of the University, The assessment of software quality from the user perspective represents it is to achieve the quality of software designed from the perspective of the users in order of preference to reusable 85.4% reliability and 85.0%, portability 81.2% interoperability and inter-operability 80.4%, flexibility 80.4%, usability 80.4% security 79.6%, effective 79.4% availability, 79.0%. stability 77.8% respectively.Conclusion: Results indicate that the establishment and operation of management information systems in organizations using innovative technologies and with the participation of the employees is possible. In this regard, the University must provide an active and supportive environment that provides appropriate context.
