Document Type : مقاله مروری نقلی


1 PhD Student, History, School of Literature and Humanities, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, History, School of Literature and Humanities, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


One of the most important institutions of a city is hospital as it is directly involved with life of the
citizens. This review article aimed to study the circumstance of establishing newer hospitals in
Isfahan city, Iran, which was started in late Qajar Dynasty era with a pause during the
constitutional era and was extended to Reza Shah Pahlavi in its modern form. The main
references for this study were the reports of local newspapers and press. It is obvious that these
types of resources would shed light on the real healthcare situation dominated on the life of the
citizens. This is partly due to the official reports which may not contain the real city dweller's
opinions. On the other hand, the audience cycle of the newspapers that covered the majority of
the ordinary people's views seems more advantageous rather than merely referring to the
bureaucratic documents and reports by the administrative authorities view. This article will also
show that since the constitutional era, 1906 to 1941, six hospitals have been established in
Isfahan, either by local government or non-governmental charities (municipalities and religious
delegations). The role of the governmental authority in this regard was mainly suport and
encouragement. The urban renewal system, enhanced health situation in the reign of Reza Shah
Pahlavi and the partnership between private sectors, semi-private sectors and government caused
to meet demand for hospitals in Isfahan during that period.


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