Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc,Medical Library and Information Sciences, Health Information Technology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Health Information Technology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Lecturer, Statistics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

4 BSc Student, Student Research Committee, Medical Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

5 MSc, Medical Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Hospital libraries have vital role in dissemination of information so that Quality Assessment of services is essential for developing health services. The purpose of the present research was to evaluate the quality of services provided by Hospital libraries of Isfahan using the LibQUAL model. Methods: In a an analytical survey research, 302 users of  libraries  that belong to Library service quality  of Isfahan medical university and  Social security organization Hospitals of Isfahan participated .Data was collected by using the LibQUAL questionnaire which validity and reliability of it credited in several researches cronbakh’s alpha was 80. Independent t-tests and paired t-test were conducted to analyze the data in SPSS and Excel. Results: In “service effect” dimension there were significant differences in average of minor and major level of expected services with current level of services. In gharazi hospital (0.2) and alzahara hospital (0.1) results showed positive adequacy gap while in “Information control “and “library as place” dimension there weren’t significant differences in average range .in whole hospitals  superiority gap was negative  and shariati hospital had highest gap .  Conclusion: The findings show all highly important aspects of the “Service affect” dimension in Hospital libraries so that all attempts to be done for enhancing availability of sources particularly electronic resources for who are working in diagnosis and treatment departments.  Keywords: Evaluation; Library Services; Libraries, Hospital.