Document Type : Original Article


1 Associated Professor, Health Information Management, Research Center of Social Determinant for Health, Allied Health, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

2 BSc, Health Information Technology, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran


Introduction: Physicians when interacting with technology like other people are worried due to the mismatch of information technology with their information needs. This can be a reason for their unwillingness to information technology. This study was conducted to investigate barriers and facilitators in physicians’ adoption towards information technology in health areaMethods: This descriptive - applied study was performed on doctors in Semnan city in 2012. This study was census and all of the population (200 people) was studied. Data collection was conducted by a valid, reliable and researcher- made questionnaire which its valid was measured based on literature review and expert opinions and its reliability was performed based on test and re-test. Data were analyzed by descriptive tests and SPSS 16.Results: 43(35.5%) reported structured data, 31(38.8%) selected the speed in obtaining information and 18( 29%) chose error reduction as the first to third priorities for their desire to use clinical information system. 59(50.4%) reported the lack of integrity of clinical information system in medical issues as the main obstacle to use of computers in clinical areas. 69(55.6%) selected the increasing of awareness towards clinical information system as the first solution to increase doctors’ willingness to information technology.Conclusion: It seems the resolving of the barriers and the strengthening of the facilitators through cultural promotion cause to increase physicians’ adoption towards information technology in health area and it leads to change physicians’ culture and organizational behavior and reduce their cultural resistance toward information technology.Keywords: Adoption; Physicians; Health Information Technology.