Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student, Educational Management, School of Educational and Psychology, The University of Isfahan AND Health Management and Economic Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email: f_eghbal

2 Professor, Educational Planning Management, Health Management and Economic Research Center, School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Educational Management, School of Education and Psychology, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

4 Health Service Management, Manager of Imam Mousa Kazem Hospital, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Self-assessment in healthcare is inevitable, like in all other sections. Scarce resources,
necessity of performance refining, vitality of provided services and quality of services are evidence for
necessity of having a proper system of self-assessment of performance in this area. Hence, the purpose of
present study was to study areas of improvement based on European Foundation for quality Management
(EFQM) Excellence Model in Imam Mousa Kazem Hospital, Isfahan, Iran.
Methods: The present study used a descriptive cross-sectional method. Statistical population consisted of
experts and hospital senior managers in Imam Mousa Kazem Hospital in 2002. The study tools included a
standard questionnaire of EFQM whose validity was confirmed by faculty members and experts and its
reliability was obtained at 0.97 through Cronbach’s alpha. Data analysis was done in nine areas using
SPSS software. The study population were hospital top managers in 2002 who were selected through
census method. Data were collected using questionnaire based on EFQM model. Collected data were
analyzed through RADAR rationale.
Results: Imam Mousa Kazem Hospital obtained 599 points in its assessment; however, the area of enablers
obtained 300 and area of results obtained 299 points. Obtained percentages for each of nine areas are as
follows: Leadership (60), policies and strategy (58), employees (68), resources and partners (60), processes
(56), customers result (58), employees result (60), community results (63) and key performance (61%).
Conclusion: The self-assessment based of EFQM model resulted in an information system of strength and
weakness points in 9 areas so that RADAR logic, weakness points were determined for the intervention
and improvement areas.


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