Document Type : Short Communication(s)


1 Lecturer, Medical Record, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.

2 PhD Student, Health Information Management, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Health Information Management, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.

4 BSc, Medical Record, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran.


Introduction: The goal of Training activities is to grow potential abilities and intelligence in human. Evaluation of Training Service has main role in achieving qualified educational activities and increasing students’ skills. Therefore, this study evaluated the performance of training educators from points of view of medical record students in Kashan University of Medical Sciences in 2005-6.Methods: In this descriptive study, medical record students from all levels of associate and bachelor degree including 21 associate and 20 undergraduate students of bachelor degree in the second semester of 2005-2006, were enrolled. A questionnaire consisting of ten questions with very good to weak responses, with confirmed validity and reliability, was used. Totally 328 questionnaires were distributed to evaluate all training instructors (8 cases), from which 205 questionnaires were returned.Results: Most of the students (71.2%) considered the controlling of students’ absent and present as very good score. Respecting to Islamic and moral rules (69.7%), coming on time (67.8%), answering to students’ questions (60.5%), dominating to practical skills (60%), expressing theorical explanations for practical skills (57.1%), explain trainer's tasks (57.1%), being careful in doing trainers’ tasks (55.6%), following trainers’ problems (52.7%), supervising on learning (51.2%), were in next stages.Conclusion: Totally, students evaluated training educators’ performance in very good level. It seems that attention to the factors like following trainers’ problems, being careful in doing trainers’ tasks and supervising on his/her learning can improve learning quality more and more.Keywords: Medical Records; Training; Trainee; Evaluation.