Document Type : بیان تجربه


1 Senior expert in software engineering, vice president of research and technology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences

2 Associate Professor, Medical Education Department, Medical Education Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences


Webometrics ranking, an international evaluation system, employs a research-based approach to assess and rank university websites twice a year. Initiated in 2004, this ranking system currently evaluates over 31,000 institutions from approximately 200 countries. The methodology employed in this ranking, along with other requisite data, is regularly updated and publicly accessible on the Webometrics website. Enhancing the quality and quantity of content constitutes the most effective strategy for improving ranking, while altering an institution's website domain represents the least effective strategy, potentially leading to a significant decline in ranking. In the most recent ranking preceding this study, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences secured 7th place among Iranian medical universities and 14th place overall in the July 2023 ranking. This study, undertaken with the aim of elevating the university's position within a one-month timeframe, was implemented with the assistance of the university's webometrics committee.


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