Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Medical Library and Information Science, Health Information Technology Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Considering the importance of the role of reviewing articles in the quality of articles submitted for journals, this study was conducted to identify the methods to evaluate and improve reviewer's performance in health scientific journals.  Methods: This qualitative research was conducted using content analysis method. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with experts who have had experience enough in health scientific journals including editors in chief, internal managers, editorial boards, authors’ council with at least 2 years of continuous related work experience in journals and review of at least ten articles. Sampling was carried out using purposeful method, and data were analyzed using content analysis method. Lincoln and Guba method was used to determine the validity and reliability of the analysis based on four criteria of credibility, transferability, certainty, and verifiability. Results: Experts’ opinions about the methods to evaluate and improve the performance of reviewers in health scientific journals were categorized in three categories of practical evaluation (functional self-assessment and other functional evaluations), behavioral evaluation (timeliness, and morality- and commitment-based assessment) and technical evaluation (assessment of activity, assessment of experiences, and evidence-based assessment). The analysis of experts’ viewpoints on motivational methods for improving reviewers cooperation, two categories of encouragement factors (financial, non-financial personal, and non-financial communal), and interaction (process awareness, personal communication, and asking question logically). Analysis of opinions on methods for enhancing scientific abilities of reviewers, showed two categories of awareness (providing transparent and up-to-date rules and guidelines, providing scientific feedback, and training), and strengthening responsive behavior (paying attention to efficient reviewers and strengthening the reviewers’ behavioral intellectual model).Conclusion: Awareness of evaluation, reinforcement, and motivation methods of reviewer's performance, improves the quality of reviews. These findings help health scientific journals managers to increase the quality of article review.


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