Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Lecturer, Library and Information Sciences, Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran

3 Library and Information Sciences, Lorestan Directorate of Public Libraries, Lorestan, Iran

4 Medical Library and Information Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Public Libraries of Lorestan, Lorestan, Iran


Introduction: Quantitative evaluations are considered as one of the appropriate criteria in
accepting or rejecting the selection of information resources in libraries. Through these
assessments, one can evaluate how much the selected resources meet the needs of the users. The
present study aimed to review the cost-benefit analysis of the Persian books on Department of
Library and Information Sciences in Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran.
Methods: This cross-sectional survey described the current situation, evaluated how much the
books in the field of Library and Information Science are used and did a cost-benefit analysis of
these books in Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences in Ahwaz. The study population
included all the Persian books related to the Library and Information Sciences at the aforesaid
university's libraries. Data collection tool was a researchers-made checklist, and the data were
collected using the Library software. Descriptive statistics and cost-benefit formula were used for
analyzing the data.
Results: Findings showed that average total cost for using each of the books once was
approximately 4589 Iranian Rial rate (IRR) which was considered to be a relatively high price.
The lowest cost for using each book once was related to those published in 2002 (2913 IRR) and
the highest cost for using each book once was related to those published in 2005 (31413 IRR).
Cost-benefit analysis of the books showed that the lowest cost-benefit was for the books related
to the "library collection" (755 IRR), then in a growing rate for books related to the "references"
(2777 IRR), "library management" (2877 IRR) and "organizing" (5693 IRR).
Conclusion: The cost-benefit analysis showed that use of each of these books every time is
expensive and is not affordable for the libraries. The Persian books related to the "library
collection" had a higher rate of use by the users than other books in the field of Library and
Information Sciences, and therefore have been more affordable.


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