Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate professor geography and urban planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 MA Geography and urban planning, Teacher of Payame noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student geography and urban planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Introduction: the establishment of each urban element in special spatial-physical position of the urban level is subject to specific principles, rules and mechanisms, in that if observed, it will be led to the functional success and effectiveness of that element in that specific location.The main goal of this research is to investigate how the health-therapeutic centers in Nourabad city are spatially distributed and the positioning of health-therapeutic centers in Nourabad of Fars province. Methods: the research method in this study is a combination of documentary and descriptive-analytical methods which the appropriate locationshas been specified for building new health-therapeutic centers as well as the best and nearest route to the hospital using GIS software and index overlay model, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and network analysis model in Nourabad in 2013. Results: studying the health-therapeutic centers in Nourabad city shows that this center is in an unsatisfactory condition in terms of the number and distance of availability and the best locations for the construction of health-therapeutic centers was determined using the criteria of slope, population density, distance from existing health-therapeutic centers, green space, firefighter, communication network, the type of land use and finally the incorporation of these information layers. Conclusion: after reviewing suitable sites for the construction of health-therapeutic centers and its adjustment with ground realities, multiple locations for constructing hospitals and new health centers for this city have been suggested. In addition, the best and nearest route for the health centers and hospitals in different parts of the city for faster and better access of the citizens to these centers was determined using network analysis in GIS software. Also, the results of this study show the effectiveness of Geographic Positioning System (GIS) in urban planning, especially in locating health-therapeutic centers. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems; Analytical Hierarchy; Community Health Centers.
