Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Health Care Management, Medical Informatics Research Center, Institute of Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

2 MSc Student, Health Economics, Research Center for Health Services Management, Institute of Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:

3 Health Care Management, Student Research Committee, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran


Introduction: Evaluation of hospital information system (HIS) is a complex endeavor, in which all
human, technical and organizational aspects should be considered. This study aimed to develop indicators
for HIS evaluation.
Methods: Present qualitative study was carried out through a cross-sectional method in 2012 in Kerman
province, Iran, using Delphi technique. Given the objectives of this study, three independent phases were
performed including literature review, providing draft indicators for HIS evaluation and reaching
consensus. Required data were obtained through interviews and designed forms. Twenty-three experts
composed the study population in interview and reaching consensus phases. Validity and reliability were
confirmed through content validity and test-retest method, respectively. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics.
Results: Final set of indicators for HIS evaluation consisted of ninety-one indicators under 8 main topics,
i.e. technical quality, software quality, architecture and interface quality, vendor quality, after-sale services
quality, workflow support quality, support department, outcome quality and HIS cost.
Conclusion: Given the complexity of information system evaluation, all human, technical and
organizational aspects have to be taken into account in any evaluation. Proposed indicators provide the
possibility of comprehensive evaluation of HIS.


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