Document Type : Original Article


1 Library and Information Sciences, School of Education and Psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran AND Instructor, Payam Noor University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Lecturer, Medical Library and Information Sciences, School of Management and Medical Information, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan AND PhD Student, Health Information Management, School of Allied Medical Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:

3 Lecturer, Medical Library and Information Sciences, School of Management and Medical Information, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

4 MSc Student, Library and Information Sciences, School of Psychologic and Education Sciences, The University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

5 MSc Student, Scientometrics, School of Human Sciences, University of Shahed, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Library software is a computer-based program that is used in libraries and information
centers for information storage, processing and retrieval. Interface environment is a part of library
software that establishes connection between computer and user and also shifts information between user
and the system. The present study aimed to determine the attitudes of librarians in Isfahan University of
Medical Sciences towards the specifications of Pars Azarakhsh library software interface in 2009.
Methods: A questionnaire was used for data collection, consisting of 51 closed questions. The study
population included the librarians in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Librarians were all those
who were working in libraries of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (n = 50). Descriptive statistics
methods and correlation test were used for data analysis.
Results: The results of this research showed that librarians believed some factors like pageant, vocabulary
and messages of software as well as learning how to use software were in medium and upper than
medium. Moreover, librarian's attitude toward help and other capabilities was lower than medium. All the
librarians believed that Pars Azarakhsh software user interface environment was medium (3.20). In
addition, there was a non-significant difference between Pars Azarakhsh software user interface and
computer literacy of librarians. There was a significant difference between letters and messages of
software and library literacy of librarians and there was no significant difference between other variables
of Pars Azarakhsh software user interface and library literacy of librarians.
Conclusion: Findings showed that librarians' view about Pars Azarakhsh variables was at medium level.
Among these variables, some such as how to work with software, pageant, vocabulary, and messages of
software were in the best situation. However, help features and other capabilities need to be developed more.


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