Document Type : Original Article(s)



Introducton: The aim of the present study is to investigal the information-seeking behavior of academic members, residents and interns in the hopsitals affiliated to Ahvaz university of Medical sciences. Material and Metheds: This a descriptive study and the data were couected by a questionnaire adapte from koomar (1374). Results: Findingw revealed that acadmic membrs first used medical journals and then books and monographs while medical studerds first used books and monographs and then medical journals. The han preblems in retrieving recentyly published information in the field of medicine due to shortahe of time and lack of unfamiharity with effective strategies for using information sources. Discussion: The results of this study confirm the results of hte studies carried out by Northup (1983), osiobe (1984) and woolf (1989).