Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 MSc, Educational Planning, Ministry of Health, Medicine and Education, Tehran, Iran

2 Academic Member, Islamic Azad University, Rodehen Campus, Rodehen, Iran


Introduction: Evaluation of efficiency is considered to be highly important. Assessment of managers` creativity and organizational health is a reliable measure for efficiency. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between employers` creativity and organizational health with employees of Medical Sciences Universities throughout the country. Methods: This was a descriptive–analytic study. Questionnaires including questions pertaining to efficiency, creativity and organizational health were used to assess efficiency. For this reason 1281 people in Medical Sciences Universities of Urmia, Bushehr, Zabol, Ghazvin, Gholestan and Mashhad were included in this study. Findings were analyzed with proper statistical methods. Results: 1. statistically, there was a significant relationship between organizational health and efficiency; i.e. increase in organizational health would proportionately result in increase in efficiency (P=0.01). 2. There was a negative relationship between employers` creativity and organizational health, but this relation was not significant. The scale of employers` creativity declined with increase in organizational health (P>0.05). 3. There was a direct proportion between employers` creativity and efficiency, though it was not significant. The scale of efficiency increased when creativity was high. Conclusion: Improvement of organizational health results in an increase in efficiency. Keywords:Creativeness; Efficiaenccy, Organizational; Organization and Administration; Administrative personnel; Universities.