Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Associated Professor, Health Information Management, Member of Health Management and Economic Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan

2 Assistant Professor, Health Management Services, Baghiatolah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran

3 Lecture, Medical Records, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan

4 MSc, Medical Records, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan


Introduction: Medical Records Department (MRD) is an important source for evaluating and planning of care services. The main goal of this research was performance evaluation of medical records department with Balanced Scorecard (BSC) approach in a hospital of Isfahan, Iran. Methods: This research was a descriptive, cross sectional in which data were collected by questionnaires, observation and forms. The population was medical records department of a hospital in Isfahan, Iran. To analyze data first of all objectives of medical records department according to mission and perspectives was setting. Then objectives were measured. Subsequently, findings from the performance will compare with expected score. If necessary, reform for the programs, activities, and plans in order to achieve the final target will be done. Results: The medical records department of this hospital was successful in providence of customer suggestion value (satisfaction). In customer perspective was customer satisfaction of admission 82%, statistics satisfaction 83%. Conclusion: Researcher proposes that it had better improve quality and period length of services, for achiving the mission of medical records department.Keywords: Performance Assessment; Medical Records Department Hospital; Hospitals.