Document Type : Original Article



Introduction: Today, with increasing emphasis on learning organizations, knowledge and learning are considered important factors in organizations and having updated knowledge and information have become an unavoidable necessity to continue the life and stability of these organizations.Hence this study was conducted to study  the relationship between learning organization & leadership styles educational departments’ chairpersons at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive- correlative study, from 594 faculty members, 203 members were selected by stratified sampling method. Research instruments were two questionnaires of learning organization and multi- leadership styles which validity(face and content) and reliability was confirmed by experts and through measurement of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (r1=0.92r2= 0.85), respectively. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS16 software and through descriptive and inferential statistics tests.Results: There was a significant relation between learning organization indices and transformational leadership, transactional leadership and laissez-faire leadership. Mean score of learning organization with multi- leadership styles based on years of employment, studies and age was not different.Conclusion: Presence of different leadership styles among the directors of departments’provided an appropriate admission for use of the components of learning organization at the university and having the leadership styles of managers make communication and greater participation of members, managers and other sector groups in university activities.Keywords: Organizations; Leadership; Administrators.