Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Assistant Professor, Health Information Management, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associated Professor, Health Information Management, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

3 MSc, Medical Record Education, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran.


Introduction: The main goal of anatomical pathology is to provide information that is used for diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic purposes in pursuit of patient care. Effective information management and optimize information systems are crucial to the successful practice of pathology with respect to this mission. Design or improvement of anatomic pathology laboratory information systems (APLIS) can not be done without knowing about their situations; therefore researcher carried out a study of the current situation of APLIS’s in educational hospitals affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.Methods: In this descriptive study, 13 APLIS’s of Shahid Beheshti University hospitals were studied. The sample size was according to the population size. Data collected through observation and by means of check list and questionnaire validity and reliability of checklist and questionnaire was assessed by content validity and test re-test, respectively. The analysis of data was conducted based on descriptive statistics.Results: 77.8% of APLIS’s were semi-computerized. In 88.9% of APLIS’s, statistical classification of data was done by ICD-0 and in 11.1% of them by ICD-10. Other types of statistical classification of data including systemized nomenclature of medicine (SNOMED), determination of false negative proportion in cytopathology and digital analysis of tissue specimens was not performed in any of hospitals.Conclusion: Using of electronic information systems facilitate, promote and advance the practice of pathology. Digital analysis of tissue specimens could have many advantages for teleconsultation, preparation of virtual slides and teaching.Keywords: Hospital Information System; Pathology; Surgical Pathology.