Document Type : Short Communication(s)


1 Associate Professor, Health Services Management, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc, Health Services Management, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Biostatistics, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Knowledge serves as the most essential career point and is more important than facilities and equipments. Since many companies are destined to vanish unless they are innovative, the ability to learn, change and adapt seems to be vital. Therefore, this study evaluated the performance of Hashemi Nejad Hospital in 2007 based on the measurement, analysis, and knowledge management category of Malcolm Baldrige criteria.Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. Malcolm Baldrige checklist (2006), whose validity and reliability have been confirmed before, was used to collect data. The study was conducted in Hashemi Nejad Hospital, an educational hospital in Tehran affiliated to Iran University of Medical Sciences. Data was collected by interviewing chief managers of the hospital, studying the records and documents in each criterion, and separately filling the checklist related to both education and health fields. The data obtained from all phases was analyzed qualitatively using descriptive statistics. Results: Knowledge management criteria included 90 points out of which Hashemi Nejad Hospital scored 40 (44%) in treatment and 18 (20%) in education fields. In the treatment field, 21 (52.5%) points belonged to measurement, analysis, and review of performance and 19 (47.5%) scores belonged to information and knowledge management. In the educational aria, 14 (78%) belonged to measurement, analysis, and improvement of organizational performance and 4 (22%) belonged to information management and information technology.Conclusion: According to Likert’s method, the hospital’s performance in medical and educational fields scored average and weak, respectively. These results indicate the necessity of paying more attention towards knowledge management, especially in educational area. Therefore, an effective and efficient program to improve knowledge management in this hospital seems essential. Based on our findings, Barldrige’s model can be applied as a comprehensive model for evaluating the performance of knowledge management of medical-educational institutes. Key words: Knowledge Management; Performance Assessment; Malcolm Baldrige.