Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Department of Management, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Marketing Management, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

3 Industrial Management, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Prerequisite for implementing telemedicine for providing medical services and health is its acceptance. The overall objective of this study was investigating the factors that influence the adoption of it with using ICT. Methods: method of this study was Analysing and data collection instrument was combination of Theory of Planned Behavior and the Technology Acceptance model questionnaires. The present population of the study was physicians in Isfahan hospitals and 125 of them were selected as sample with classification random sampling. The validity of the model was performed by structural equation modeling method. For data analysis used software was SPSS19 and AMOS20. Results: Results show that perceived usefulness (β= 0.54) and perceived ease (β= 0.43) was effective on attitude toward telemedicine usage. The findings also shown a positive effect of perceived usefulness (β=0.61) and perceived behavioral control (β=0.39) on people's tendency toward this type of technology While the effect of subjective norm (β=0.18) on behavioral intention had not confirmed. Conclusion: The results suggest that the technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior can predict people intention in application of telemedicine. Keywords: Telemedicine; Technology; Health Care; Hospitals


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