Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Research Center of Social Determinants for Health, Department of Allied Health, Nursing and Allied Health, University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

2 Student of Health Information Technology, Student Research Committee, School of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences, Semnan, Iran


Introduction: Appropriate information is essential to plan and to implement clinical governance. This question is posed that what is hospital staff’ expectations of information.  This study was conducted to evaluate hospital staff’s expectations of information in clinical governance. Methods: This descriptive - analytical study was performed on 258 practitioners of affiliated hospitals of Semnan University of medical sciences and social security organization in 2012. Data collection instrument was a valid and reliable questionnaire which was confirmed by experts and was measured its reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Then it was distributed among the population. Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis in SPSS 16. Results: The findings showed 71.7% of staff had attended training course of clinical governance. 58.6% chose clinical information as a first priority and 53.3% selected managerial information as the fourth priority in clinical governance. 3.6% chose information technology and informatics center as a first priority in the implementation of clinical governance. Conclusion: The results showed although most of the population had passed clinical governance course but it seems essential contents have not been provided in relation to the role of information in clinical governance in the course. These results can create an opportunity for experts in information technology and health information managers to show, more than ever, the role of information departments in the improvement of clinical governance. Keywords: Personnel; Hospitals; Information; Clinical Governance
