Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc in Health Services Administration, Research Center for Health Services Management, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran

2 Associated Professor, Health Services Administration, Department of Health Services Administration, School of Health Management and Information Technology, Research Center for Health Services Management, Institute for Futures Studies in Health, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Kerman, Iran


Introduction: According to resource constraints and unlimited needs, health care has important role in the public health. The allocation of limited resources to unlimited needs in critical areas of health is important. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the process of priority setting based on   accountability framework for the rationality in Kerman university of Medical Science. Methods: This research is a qualitative study. 18 people from health experts about resource allocation in Kerman University of Medical Science interviewed. In this study Daniels and Sabin framework was used. Data analysis techniques were based on the analysis framework. Tools of data gathering were Semi-structured interviews. Heterogeneous sample of the people involved in the division of the department's budget is used to transfer capability. In order to credibility and confirm ability text transcribed and analysis of the resulting professors participating in this study were presented and corrective recommendations their comments were applied. Results: The study includes four main codes: transparency, rationality, control and monitoring, overview and 9 sub-codes contains: Predictability, ambiguity, rationality, no sensible distributor, bilateral, unilateral, Proportionality between the mechanism and resources, revision, no mechanism, Conclusions: The status indicates the process of priority settings in Kerman University of Medical Science according to the Daniels and Sabin has little logic. No specific decision procedures, measuring the costs and benefits of different interventions so, making decisions based on the results of these studies won’t lead to optimal use of scarce resources.
