Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc, Information Management Technology, Isfahan University of medical sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Business Management, Islamic Azad University, branch of Dehaghan, Dehghan, Iran

3 MSc, Human resources Management, Islamic Azad University, branch of Dehaghan, Dehghan, Iran


Introduction: Growing influence of the project as a way to organize things in many organizations require effective management of multiple projects. . Due to the complexity of IT projects in organizations due to resource constraints especially if you have multiple projects, the necessity and use of project portfolio management in achieving project objectives in recent years much attention has been. In this research, portfolio management of IT projects in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences IT Project Portfolio Management at University level, based on a three-step model Bert De Reyck (1 - Inventory Portfolio 2- Portfolio Optimization 3 - Managing portfolio) were investigated.'s.Methods: the present study according to the aim is applied  and according to the method of data collection  is descriptive - survey Subset of Athletics -. Validity has been confirmed by a number of experts and professors and reliability using Alpha Cronbach coefficient was calculated to 82 Percent. Statistical Society, University ICT All employees that have been done in 1392 AP And to analyze the results of descriptive statistics - mean and standard deviation and ... - Univariate t-test and a significance level of 0/05 to Spss 18 software is used.Results: Descriptive analysis of the components of project portfolio management based on the three-organized model Bert De Reyck indicated that the first phase had a mean 2/45 ±0/81, the second stage has a mean of 2/02 ± 0/69 and The third phase has a mean of 1/87 ± 0/74 respectively. Effect of portfolio management on the effectiveness indicate that the average effectiveness of projects in each of their indices Optimal level and average has been over the 2/75 .(p-Value<0/05) And therefore effectiveness is in Positive relation to portfolio management ..The mean level of problems in each of its projects under portfolio management indicated that average was more than 2/75 .(p-Value<0/05) And therefore  problems  is in negative  relation to portfolio management .Conclusion: University study showed that the level of IT project management is in the second stage of  Bert De Reyck model.Also Under one Project Portfolio Management Can added On the effectiveness of projects And finally a review of the problems of portfolio management project portfolio management indicated that the level is lower than are added to the institutional project  problems.
