Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student. Management public, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Educational Department. Farhangiyan University.Tabriz, Iran


Introduction: Although the current architecture of information systems as necessary step in the process of establishing hospital information systems have been considered.Continuous evaluation of hospital information systems to determine the extent necessary to achieve its objectives. This study aimed to develop indicators to assess hospital information systems architecture has been conducted.Methods: The present study is a qualitative study using the Delphi technique in 2013 in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences has been done.Twenty expert’s in the field of information systems through purposive sampling and the availability of medical sciences universities were selected.The main method of data collection questionnaire based on Likert scale, the literature review was conducted to determine its constituent elements Interviews as well as additional methods of data collection were used. Validity through content validity and reliability of the test - retest was confirmed by experts. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software.Results: Developing indicators for the assessment of hospital information systems architecture, the six main components including functionality, reliability, being employed, efficiency, maintainability and portability consists of 86 indicators were extracted from the data analysis. For each of the main components of the 12 indicators, 8 indicators, 24 indicators, 21 indicators, 13 indicators and 8 indicators and methods of calculating each indicator was introduced.Conclusions: This study assessed indicators for hospital information systems architecture provides and hospitals can use these indicators to evaluate their hospital information system software.
