Document Type : Original Article


1 Library and Information Sciences, Research Center of Information Technology in Health Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Medical Library and Information Sciences, Research Center of Information Technology in Health Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran (Corresponding Author) Email:

3 Medical library and Information Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

4 Statistics and Epidemiology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Nowadays, use of library software is a basic need for libraries and information centers.
User interface is a part of computerized systems which is interacting to the user and it is an important
factor in information searching process. This study aimed to compare librarian's satisfaction rate from
library software interface in Isfahan libraries in 2010.
Methods: This was a descriptive-analytical study which was performed on Isfahan's librarians (n = 650),
and the sample size (n = 242) was determined according to the Morgan’s and Krejcie’s sample size table.
Five library software were compared together including: Pars-Azarakhsh, Payam, Nosa, Kavosh, and
Namayeh. Sampling was conducted through stratified quota method. Data were collected using
questionnaire for user interaction satisfaction (QUIS) in 5-point Likert scale.
Results: In terms of general features (mean = 4), information display (mean = 3.79), terminology and
system feedback (mean = 3.07), help (mean = 3.64) and system capabilities and properties (mean = 3.76),
Nosa software was the first ranking software and Pars-Azarakhsh and Kavosh were the second and third,
Conclusion: According to the results of this study, Nosa was the best software and Pars Azarakhsh and
Kavosh were ranked the second and third, respectively. Since librarians spend most of their working hours
with several library software, their job satisfaction from the software interface has a large impact on the
success of software companies, thus supporting and training department of such companies must have
regular meetings and forums to examine the factors influencing on librarians’ satisfaction from library
software and also apply librarians’ comments in their designs.


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