Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Health Care Management, Health Management and Economics Research Center, School of Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Health Services Management, Management Center for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Kerman, Iran

3 MSc Student, Health Care Management, School of Public Health, University Research Committee, Mashhad, Iran

4 Health Services Management, School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: In recent years, dental tourism had a growing trend. As a branch of medical tourism, in
dental tourisms people travel abroad to receive dental services which are with a higher cost in their
country. This study aimed to identify potential of dental tourism in Isfahan, Iran.
Methods: This was a qualitative study that was conducted in 2011 in Isfahan. Data collection was done
using a semi-structured questionnaire with directed questions that was completed through interview. For
measurement of the validity, the data of the qualitative study was checked with some participants to
ensure the acceptance rate (objectivity). Dentists who provided service for foreign patients during the past
year were selected.
Results: Out of 79 patients who were referred to dentists and participated in the study, 63.3% of them
were females. Reconstructive services were allocated the highest percentage (58.2) between the types of
services received by the foreign patients. 81.8% were with Iranian nationality residing abroad. Potential of
dental tourism in seven categories were the demand conditions, urban advantages of Isfahan, manpower
operating conditions, competitive conditions in the dental centers offering medical tourism, medical
tourism requirements, related and supporting industries and information strategies.
Conclusion: Despite suitable capabilities of ecotourism, professional staff and competitive advantage in
Isfahan, its position is not clear yet. To develop the dental tourism in Isfahan, It is necessary to strengthen
requirements for medical tourism, increase coordination of related and supporting industries, increase
information strategy and marketing.


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