
1 Assistant Professor, Health Education, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Lecturer, English Language, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Community Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.


Introduction: The education system is the most important tool for transferring values and norms 
to the young generation and for the development of the community. On the other hand, 
universities, as the basis of rationality in societies, are in charge of reconstruction and 
improvement of the culture. The "Regulations of Faculty Members Promotion in Educational and 
Research Institutions", approved by the Supreme Cultural Revolution Council, has also 
considered cultural affairs in the first article. However, due to the abstract nature of the issues in 
the first article, this paper tried to identify the challenges of cultural activities in Isfahan 
University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran. 
Methods: This qualitative study was conducted to better understand the problems and challenges 
of cultural activities in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences during the second semester of 
2011-2012. Purposeful sampling method was used and semi-structured interviews were 
performed with current or former Vice-Chancellery for Cultural and Students Affairs of different 
colleges of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Data was analyzed using qualitative content 
Results: The four themes extracted from analyzing the interview transcripts included problems 
associated with the nature of culture, problems associated with faculty members, problems 
associated with students, and organizational problems. 
Conclusion: The results of this study highlighted the necessity of long-term planning for cultural 
activities and active participation of faculty members. Creating a discursive environment through 
holding faculty members consultation meetings can be a good base for the active participation of 
faculty members in colleges and universities. Moreover, developing qualitative and quantitative 
indicators for measuring social, educational and cultural activities in universities is an 
