Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Science, Islamic Azad University, Branch of Arak, Iran


Introduction: One of the complications of Covid-19 has become a social crisis of using virtual networks. This study endeavored to determine the effects of Covid-19 on dependence on virtual networks and the quality of social relations of librarians.
Methods: The study was a survey type. The population was the librarians of the public libraries of the Markazi province, and due to the limited population, the census method was used (174 individuals). Data were collected using questionnaires of Internet addiction, social relations, and social effects of Covid-19. The gathered data were analyzed through Correlation Coefficient & One-way ANOVA tests.
Results: There is a significant negative relationship between virtual networks and social relations among the librarians of public libraries in Markazi Province, and the moderating role of Covid-19 in the relationship between virtual networks and social relations.
Conclusion: The prevalence of Covid-19 can incur social costs to librarians, who are active in Cyberspace and in providing public services; reduce their commitment to family, job, and friends. Therefore, knowing the consequences of dependence on virtual networks can keep individuals and their families from harm.


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