Document Type : Original Article


1 lecture, knowledge and Information science. Zahedan Payame Noor University, Zahedan, Iran

2 PhD student, information science and knowledge, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 BSc,Obstetrician, Zahedan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Zahedan, Iran

4 MD student, Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran


Introduction: The Primary Goal of Physicians are salvation of the human life. Physicians can research through medical databases in causes of death, are closer to this goal. This study was conducted with aim to determine the amount of overlap causes of death in developing countries in PubMed and Scopus databases.Methods: Survey methodology, with sciencometrics approach and study has been applied. The research population consisted the 20 First results retrieved in the10 primary causes of death in the developing world In January in 2012 at the PubMed and Scopus databases. In order, The Mortality Factors was taken from World Health Organization (WHO), then to selection descriptors was used from Medical Subject Heading (MESH), then were searched in PubMed and Scopus databases. After Search the amount of total retrieved articles was distinguished, and The 20 first results in each factor with directly observation in 2 databases for subscription between them were investigated. using Excel 2007 version of the descriptive statistics (frequency) examined the degree of overlap was calculated by the formula. Results: Results of research showed that total retrieved articles in 9 Mortality Factors in Scopus was more than PubMed. Overlap only in 2 factors «Cerebrovascular Disorders» and «Dysentery» was 70% and 65%. In «HIV», «Tuberculosis» and «Diabetes Mellitus» two databases had not any Overlap.Conclusion: Results showed that researchers with need more articles and  the Recall was important for them, it is better than used Scopus database. In order to amount of Overlap at two databases in various Mortality Factors were different and with regard to Organization Policies and Limitation Researcher and physicians can be use each two databases.
