Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student, Health Services Management, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD, Health Services Management, Health Management &Economic Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Hospital environments are workplaces that have high risks with negative effects. About Health Information System (HIS), there are researches that show the negative effects of information technology applications in health care on patients and workers. There are several methods for risk assessment, which the most reliable methods are FMEA - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis -. In this article we apply this technique to examine Failure Modes and Effects in the HIS system.Methods: This study is a descriptive - multi-step and applicable research. The researchers review processes by interviewing with staff of IT (Information Technology) and Nursing departments in 2013. And they identify potential fault modes and effects by brainstorming techniques. To this end, researchers use the standard worksheet (Effects Analysis & Failure Mode: FMEA) that used by several researchers in the many fields of health in other countries, and its reliability has been confirmed, and professional professors has confirmed its validity.Results: of 12 founded failure modes, 9 items were related to software section and 3 failures were related to hardware section. In test order process, the greatest risk priority number is related to entering of misdiagnose with 245 points. In drug order process, the priority numbers of additional drug order and reorder (by different people on different shifts), are equal in 36 points. The most significant failure in equipment order process is additional equipment order with 300points. In hardware section the greatest risk priority number is related to fire risk with 60points.Conclusion: According to this study, a prospective method as FMEA has high efficiency and effectiveness for identifying and prioritizing failure modes of running processes of "HIS". Risks associated with the use of the most important parts of the system were identified and provided useful suggestions. By applying the proposed measures appropriated in this study by applying this technique, we can reduce the risks of "HIS" greatly and help to improve hospital performance.
