Volume 21 (2024)
Volume 20 (2023)
Volume 19 (2022)
Volume 18 (2021)
Volume 17 (2020)
Volume 16 (2019)
Volume 15 (2018)
Volume 14 (2017)
Volume 13 (2016)
Volume 12 (2015)
Volume 11 (2014)
Volume 10 (2013)
Volume 8 (2011)
Volume 7 (2010)
Volume 6 (2009)
Volume 5 (2008)
Volume 4 (2007)
Volume 3 (2006)
Volume 2 (2005)
Volume 1 (2004)
Original Article
Factors Affecting Discharge against Medical Advice in a Teaching Hospital in Shiraz, Iran*

Zahra Kavosi; Nahid Hatam; Hadi Hayati Abbarik; Mohsen Bayati; Javid Nemati

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 448-456

  Introduction: Patient/customer satisfaction and loyalty have gained increasing attention fromexecutives across the healthcare industry. Discharge against medical advice (DAMA) can beconsidered as one of the indicators of patient dissatisfaction. It has negative effects on patienttreatment and leads to ...  Read More

Original Article
Designing a Clinical Decision Support System Based on Artificial Neural Network for Early Detection of Prostate Cancer and Differentiation from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia *

Mustafa Ghaderzadeh; Farahnaz Sadoughi; Arvin Ketabat

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 457-464

  Introduction: In recent years, the concepts of artificial neural networks (ANN) have extensivelyundergone remarkable development in early detection and classification of diseases such asbenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The usage of ANN has become widely accepted in medicalapplications owing to its ...  Read More

The Changes of International Classification Diseases-10th version in Updating Process*

Zahra Mastaneh; Lotfolah Mouseli

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 465-470

  Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) attempts to update ICD-10 (internationalclassification diseases-10th version) according to the required information of the scientificcommunity. In this study, changes of ICD-10 will be reviewed in updating process.Methods: The data of the present descriptive ...  Read More

Original Article
Attitudes of Medical Record Department Staff in Hospitals Affiliated to Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences about the Importance of Hospital Information System and its Implementation Prerequisites and Selection Criteria*

Mohammad Hossein Hayavi Haghighi; Mohammad Dehghani; Saeed Hosseini Teshizi; Behzad Asgari; Mostafa Reisi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 471-478

  Introduction: Since hospitals are the main healthcare providers, they are assumed as the maininstitutions for implementing information systems. Hospitals need efficient hospital informationsystem (HIS) to manage their raising needs. This study reviewed the importance of HIS,implementation of prerequisites ...  Read More

Original Article
Designing the Decision Support Information System Model for Board of Trustees in Ayatollah Kashani Hospital, Shahrekord*

Rouhollah Ghaedamini Asadabadi; Ahmad Amerieon; Shahram Tofighi; Fatemeh Azizian; Azam Fayazi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 479-489

  Introduction: One of the types of hospital management information systems is decision supportinformation system (DSIS). This system uses decision-making models and databases forpreparing specific information to support their semi-structured or unstructured decisions. Thepresent study aimed to design ...  Read More

Original Article
Evaluating the Medical Records Module of the Selected Hospital Information System Software in Hospitals of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran, According to ISO 9241-10*

Saeed Saeedbakhsh; Asghar Ehteshami; Mahtab Kasaei Isfahani

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 490-501

  Introduction: Hospital managers and healthcare providers should access to hospital informationsystem (HIS) in order to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness in the organization. Accurate,appropriate, precise, timely and valid information as well as an appropriateness informationsystem are required ...  Read More

Original Article
Readiness of Hospitals with Quality Management Systems Based on Joint Commission on Accreditation Standards*

Shirin Abbassi; Nahid Tavakoli; Mohammad Moslehi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 502-512

  Introduction: Recently, the accreditation program has been used increasingly by an emphasis onpatient safety. In Iran, efforts have been made to establish the accreditation program. In 2011, itreplaced previous standards of traditional evaluation system. As the impact of accreditation planneed internal ...  Read More

Original Article
The Scientific Production and Scientific Mapping of Iranian Researchers in Traditional Medicine during 1990-2011 in Web of Science*

Raziyeh Zahedi Anaraki; Niloofar Hodhodinezhad; Hasan Ashrafi Rizi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 513-524

  Introduction: Traditional medicine is not only useful in health care and improvement of qualityof life, but also is applied in diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Hence, paying more attention tothis area is of high important. This study aimed to evaluate the scientific production and scientificmapping ...  Read More

Original Article
Determining the Optimal Combination of Customers Based on Kano Model and Ideal Programming Using a Case Study in Al-Zahra Hospital, Isfahan, Iran*

Arash Shahin; Mahmoud Ahmadiazar

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 525-538

  maximize profits and minimize costs. However, in addition to segmentation, an optimalcombination of the customers, i.e. the number of the customers or their percentage, is required tobe specified in order to invest on development of products and services. In this study, bymaximizing the customers’ ...  Read More

Original Article
Prioritizing the Areas Require Improvement in Al-Zahra Hospital (Isfahan, Iran) Based on Application of the European Foundation for Quality Management Excellence Model*

Marzieh Javadi; Hamid Ganji; Ahmadreza Reiesi; Maryam Yaghoobi; Parvin , Hematian

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 539-547

  Introduction: In today’s world, organizations are attempting to achieve advantages andcompetitive results. Understanding mutual interactions between organizations and using modernmanagement techniques as well as modern management tools might have an influential effect onobtaining optimal organizational ...  Read More

Original Article
Distribution of Specialists in Public Hospitals of Iran*

Elham Taati Keley; Ali Meshkini; Davoud Khorasani Zavareh

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 548-557

  Introduction: Equity in health means justice in the distribution of community health. Thepurpose of justice in health is to consider health needs of all people regardless of theirgeographical location or cultural, economic, and social status. The aim of this study was to assessdistribution of specialists ...  Read More

Original Article
The Relationship between Total Quality Management and Knowledge Management from the View of Faculty Members in University of Isfahan and Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran*

Susan Bahrami,; Mohammad Yarmohammadian; Masood Ferdosi; Rezvan Ojaghi; Fahimeh Sadat Ezadi Varaki; Marzieh Golkar

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 558-566

  Introduction: Human skills, knowledge and efficiency are important factors in the success oforganizations and community health centers which have a critical role in total qualitymanagement (TQM) as a management system. Knowledge is necessary as a source for theorganizations survival. On the other hand, ...  Read More

مقاله کوتاه
Content and Services Integration in Central Library Applications Software in Iranian Universities of Medical Sciences: An Important Step in Economic Usage of Existing Knowledge*

mehdi Alipour-hafezi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 594-601

  Introduction: Direct and rapid access to information is one of the main necessities of the users innew technological world. Nowadays, information users, particularly medical information inwhich rapid access is of necessity, do not have enough time to search and access to information.Therefore, the present ...  Read More

مقاله مروری نقلی
The Concepts and Characteristics of Wilson's Information Seeking Behavior Model: A Literature Review

Mousa YaminFirooz; Fatemeh NooshinFard; Hasan Siamian

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 567-579

  This study aimed to describe the concepts and characteristics of Wilson's information seekingbehavior model, as the highly cited pattern in information seeking behavior debates and tracingits completion, expansion and development process. Wilson's information seeking behaviormodel is the base for other ...  Read More

مقاله مروری نقلی
Isfahan (, Iran) Urban Health Management with Emphasis on Hospitals from the Local Press View

Abdolmahdi Rajaei; Morteza Nouraei,; Loghman Dehghan Nayyeri

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 580-593

  One of the most important institutions of a city is hospital as it is directly involved with life of thecitizens. This review article aimed to study the circumstance of establishing newer hospitals inIsfahan city, Iran, which was started in late Qajar Dynasty era with a pause during theconstitutional ...  Read More

نقد کتاب

Nireh Sadat Soleymanzadeh; Parisa Malek Ahmadi

Volume 9, Issue 4 , September and October 2012, Pages 608-613

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