Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 MSc, Library and Information Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch,Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Library and Information Sciences, Islamic Azad University, Tehran North Branch,Tehran,Iran

3 Lecturer, Psychology, Payam-e-Noor University, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: Communication is described as the most important feature for workers of all types. Librarianship, in particular, requires complete communication skills. Perhaps, the critical lesson the students must learn about users' expectations is how to play an appropriate role in interactions with the society. Such interactions would result in job satisfaction and desirable servicing to users. Therefore, the present research aimed to evaluate the methods and rates of communication skills used by librarians at Isfahan public universities, Iran.Methods: This descriptive survey included all students and librarians of Isfahan public universities during 2009-2010 academic year. The calculated sample size was 780 students and 136 librarians that were selected by stratified random sampling. Data was collected by a checklist for the observations of the researchers and a researcher-made closed-end questionnaire to assess students' views. That the reliability and validity of the questionnaire were confirmed. In order to analyze inferential findings obtained from the collection tools, univariate t-test was used.Results: According to our findings, the application rate of non-verbal and verbal communication skills were 3.15 and 3.31, respectively. On the other hand, students assessed the application of verbal and non-verbal skills by the librarians as 3.21 and 3.32, respectively. These results indicate a moderate level of communication skills among the librarians which needs enhancement.Conclusion: The findings of this study showed an undesirable level of communication skills application by the librarians at Isfahan public universities. Leaving this problem unresolved would lead to reduced use of libraries. Therefore, responsible organizations are recommended to promote the knowledge of librarians about communication skills through training courses, conferences, concise brochures. Librarians are also suggested to expand their studies in this field.Keywords: Communication Skills; Academic Libraries; Librarians; Universities.