Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Health Information Management, Anesthesiology and Critical Care ‎Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical ‎Sciences, Shiraz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Health Information Technology, School of Allied Medical Sciences, ‎Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran‎

3 MSc, Health Information Technology, Department of Health Information Management, School of Health Management and ‎Medical ‎Informatics, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: To successfully‏ ‏implement new information‏ ‏systems‏ ‏in health‏ ‏care, especially‎‏ ‏electronic‏ ‏medical ‎records,‎‏ ‏it is important to understand the factors that influence the‏ ‏adoption of these systems in ‎the opinions of users, particularly managers.‎‏ ‏Therefore, the purpose of‏ ‏this‏ ‏study was to ‎determine‏ ‏the factors affecting the‏ ‏adoption of‏ ‏electronic medical records using‏ ‏the technology ‎acceptance model (TAM). Methods: This descriptive-analytical survey was conducted in 2015. The study population consisted of‏ ‏‎235 top and middle managers‏ ‏of teaching‏ ‏hospitals in Shiraz, Iran. The subjects were selected‏ ‏through census‏ ‏method without the use of sampling. Data‎‏ ‏were‏ ‏collected‏ ‏using the standard ‎TAM questionnaire and analyzed in SPSS and LISREL software using regression analysis,‎‏ ‏independent‏ ‏t-test, and ANOVA. Results: The findings of‏ ‏this study showed‏ ‏a positive direct relationship between‏ ‏perceived ease of use ‎and attitude‏ ‏of the‏ ‏users (r = 0.46) (P < 0.05). There was also a positive, direct relationship ‎between‏ ‏perceived‏ ‏usefulness‏ ‏and‏ ‏attitude toward‏ ‏use (r = 0.42) (P < 0.05). In addition, there ‎was a positive, direct relationship between attitude toward‏ ‏use and actual use (r = 0.36) (P < ‎‎0.03). Conclusion: In evaluations and plans, through the consideration of‏ ‏factors of‏ ‏perceived usefulness‏ ‏and ‎perceived ease of use, which affect the attitude toward‏ ‏use, the‏ ‏adoption of‏ ‏the electronic‏ ‏medical records‏ ‏system‏ ‏among top and middle managers‏ ‏in‏ ‏hospitals can be improved.
