Document Type : Original Article
1 Associated Professor, Department of Health Information Technology, Faculty of Paramedical, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Health Information Technology, Faculty of Paramedical, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
3 Lecture, Computer engineering, Department of Health Information Technology, Faculty of Paramedical, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
4 MSc, Medical record education, Faculty of Paramedical, Kashan University of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
Introduction: Clinical governance is a key tool for managing and monitoring of information. However, use of information is one of the fundamental components; but unfortunately, it does not pay much attention to information management. The purpose of this study was investigating situation and presenting conceptual model for information management based on clinical governance.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted in 1392. Population of the study consisted of all clinical governance units of the Kashan University of medical sciences affiliated hospitals and sampling wasn’t conducted. Data were gathered through questionnaires and interviews. Reliability was assessed in the test -retest. Face and content validity of the questionnaire has been confirmed by experts. Data were collected from a pilot hospital and reforms were carried out and Final questionnaire was prepared. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and SPSS 16 software. With the scenario derived from questionnaires, respectively entity relation Diagram (ERD) and Unified Modeling Language (UML) are presented by using Visio 2007 and Rational Rose 7 software.Results: The results showed that 25/79 percent Indicators of the hospitals were calculated. Database was not designed (zero percent) in Clinical governance units of hospitals. 3/83 percent of the hospital's clinical governance unit has announced the need for a databaseConclusion: Clinical governance unit of hospitals to perform its mission, do not have access to all the needed indicators. Defining of Processes and drawing of models and creating of database are essential for designing of information systems.