Document Type : مقاله مروری نقلی


1 MA, Library and Information Sciences, Behbahan Khatem-Al-Anbia University of Technology, Khozastan, Iran

2 Professor, Library and Information Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Bibliotherapy is one of the complementary methods of treatment to cure those suffering from mental or behavioral problems. This research attempted to answer the question:"Are present librarians competent to do bibliotherapy?" This study is a review type; the data were gathered through reviewing relevant Persian and English sources. All Persian articles published as the result of local research were also studied. In this study, the literature on necessary traits and skills needed by a successful therapist as well as the curricula for medical librarians and Knowledge & Information Science students were also reviewed and analyzed.The present curricula are deprived of any courses dealing with bibliotherapy. Further, the present librarians do not enjoy required competencies as a successful therapist. Thus, librarians are not qualified to do bibliotherapy independently.Due to the importance of bibliotherapy as a treatment method, it is essential that librarians refrain from involving in bibliotherapy independently. They may use it when assisted by specialists in psychology, counselling, and/or psychiatry. Due to relative overlap of Knowledge & Information Science and Medical Librarianship fields with bibliotherapy, and highly motivated librarians, library departments may establish bibliotherapy courses with the help of medical experts.Keywords: Bibliotherapy; Librarians; Complementary Therapies.
