Document Type : مقاله مروری نظام مند


1 PhD Student, Information Technology Management, Department of Information Technology Management, School of Management and Economics AND National Center for Health Insurance Research, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Information Technology Management, Department of Information Technology Management, School of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering, School of Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Introduction: Health insurance supervision and control has important role in achieving the health insurance and health system mission and goals, but it has not received much attention. This study aimed to review the researches related to health insurance supervision and control, and categorize the used topics and related data sources.Methods: The study was conducted using systematic mapping method. A total of 316 research papers (published until the end of 2018) were investigated in related databases. Atlas.ti8 software and keywording technique were used for analysis and data extraction.Results: Seven health insurance supervision (health insurance program/policy monitoring, cost control, coverage and financial protection, equity in health, health insurance data and claims assessment, and people/insured and health service supplier and control topics) as well as nine data sources were identified.Conclusion: Health insurance program/policy monitoring and cost control topics had the most research number, and people/insured and health service supplier topics were the least related researches.


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