Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor Department of health services management, school of management and economics, science and research branch, Islamic azad university (IAU), Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of health services management, school of management and economics, science and research branch, Islamic azad university (IAU), Tehran, Iran

3 MSc, Health Care Management, Tehran Emergency Medical Service System (115), Iran


Introduction: although Iran was fortieth country in the world that Prehospital emergency system service established in it, quality and quantity only therapeutic free service have neglected by planners and managers. This study has been done by aim of determining the relation between Prehospital time indices and on-scene mortality rate in traffic accidents in the 22 regions of Tehran. Methods:  this is a correlation study depending on previous studies. The statistical Populations are all traffic accidents peoples from March 2011 till March 2012 who injured in Tehran regions. The number of studied profiles is 68335 cases. Data were mined by an information form from patient's profiles. Data were analyzed by Spearman Correlation Coefficient statistical test by SPSS16 statistical software. Results: 56.5%  traffic  accident  patients' were  carried  to  hospitals, 38.5% were left accident site before ambulance receiving or don’t have coordinated and 0.4% were died in accident site. The medium of age of studied patients was 35.5 years old.  Response interval for 50% of mission's is less than 15 minutes and Delay interval for 63% of missions is less than 8 minutes. Conclusion: there is relation between some of Prehospital time indices and traffic accident patient’s death rate at accident site. Accuracy planning in Prehospital emergency system can promote indices and decrease death rates in this system. Key words: Prehospital Emergency Care; Indicators; Mortality; Accidents, Traffic
