Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medical Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Full Professor, Department of Medical Informatics, Faculty of Medical Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, CyberSpace Research Institute, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Choosing the right type of device is important to support users of Health Information Systems. In addition to cost, durability and simplicity, staffing levels and hospital workflows affect in the selected. The purpose of this study was to identify the preferences of users in device selection.Methods: This applied research with qualitative method, Focus group, was conducted in 2014. Population research is users of HIS. They have been divided into three distinct groups based on their computer skills and medical knowledge. The sixteen users were invited to three focus group meetings and have been asked to explain their criteria for selection of the device. Questionnaires were also used in order to compare the results of discussions quantitatively. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (0.86). The analysis was performed using descriptive statistics.Results: The mean response of participants shows that end-users with high level of medical knowledge and computer skills, prefer to use tablets (3.75) and then PCs(3.67). Medical staff without computer skills selected tablets(4), workstation on wheels (WOW)(2.5), wall mounted workstation(2.5) and PCs (2.25). Ultimately members with skills in using the computer and lack of medical knowledge, selected PCs (3.37), tablets(3.29), Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) (3.17), wall mounted workstation(4.2) and WOW(2.67).Conclusion: This study showed that the best device for the medical staff is Tablet and PC is the best device for administrative staff.
