Document Type : مقاله کوتاه


1 Demography, Vice Chancellery of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Instructor, Vital Statistics, Faculty of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 Parasitology of Medical, Vice-chancellery of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

4 Midwifery, Vice-chancellery of Health, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Introduction: In general the success of any organization is connected to the struggle and effort of that organization employer in a high degree and these efforts reach to perfection when employers satisfy of their job. The purpose of this research in behvarzan and job satisfaction investigation who working in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011. Methods: This research was an analytical-descriptive of sectional type. The research society was 1400 behvarzan working in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences who 350 samples was selected by systematic taking samples method. The gathering data instruments was a questionnaire consisting of two parts which in first part was personal information as age, sex, job record, academic paper, employment position, material state, work place, residence place, children number, spouse job and in second part was proposed job satisfaction questions about work nature, connection and supervision style, job immunity, promotion opportunities, physical conditions, work environment, advantages and salaries. The questionnaire was from the Herzberg job satisfaction measurement standard questionnaire. Statistical data analyze was by using SPSS18. Results: The average of (standard diversity) the total score of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences behvarzan 68/66 (12/05) and in separation the investigated domains in priority orders include job nature 84/16 (13/08), supervision style and connections 74/33 (12/58), job security 71/76 (17/47), promotion opportunities 61/64 (21/97), job environment physical conditions 56/23 (18/07) and advantages and salaries 51/8 (8/51) from the maximum 100. There was a reversed relation between the total score of behvarzan job satisfaction and age, job record, children number. The difference was very high in advantages and salaries domain between formal and informal behvarzan job satisfaction and in job opportunities domain between job satisfaction and workplace (pvalue<0/05). Also there was no meaningful relation between sex, marital state, residence place and spouse job with job satisfaction in different domain (pvalue>0/05). Conclusion: Isfahan University of Medical Sciences behvarzan in general have medium to high job satisfaction, the more satisfaction is related to work nature domain and the less is related to advantages and salaries and it can increase the job satisfaction of this group by advantages and salaries increasing, providing welfare facilities and promotion opportunities and reducing work time of health houses if possible and equalize it in all country. Key words: Job Satisfaction; Universities; Allied Health Personnel


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