Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Management, Entrepreneurship Faculty, Research Center of Policy Making and Development of Entrepreneurship, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 MSc, Management, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran

3 MSc, Management, Persian Gulf University of Boshehr, Boshehr, Iran

4 MSc Student, Entrepreneurship Management, Entrepreneurship Faculty, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Pharmacies as the only official reference of delivering medicine to patients play an important role in medication and counseling medication to patients. In this study, we investigated the status of Satisfaction of service quality of Bushehr pharmacies using the Kano and SERVQUAL models. We also presented executive solutions for improving the current status of services. Methods: This Study is practical in terms of objectives, and also descriptive. Our sample contains customers and visitors to the pharmacies of Bushehr. Our questionnaire we used random sampling for determining the number of our sample.Results: Our results showed significant differences between the quality of services provided by the pharmacies and the perceptions of the Customers. From 29 features, 17 features have negative gap. We also proved that there is a significant gap between prices of medicines and medical supplies, etc., location and distribution of pharmacies convenient boarding, compensation in case of failures in customer service, the service time (medicine delivery) and the suitable number of staff to provide services to Customers on time.Conclusion: There is a strong and positive correlation between indicators of quality pharmacy services and satisfactory of Customers. Therefore the satisfaction of patients can be increased with improving the quality of services. Keywords: Satisfaction; Pharmacy; Service Quality; Clients.
