Volume 21 (2024)
Volume 20 (2023)
Volume 19 (2022)
Volume 18 (2021)
Volume 17 (2020)
Volume 16 (2019)
Volume 15 (2018)
Volume 14 (2017)
Volume 13 (2016)
Volume 12 (2015)
Volume 11 (2014)
Volume 10 (2013)
Volume 8 (2011)
Volume 7 (2010)
Volume 6 (2009)
Volume 5 (2008)
Volume 4 (2007)
Volume 3 (2006)
Volume 2 (2005)
Volume 1 (2004)
Original Article
Feasibility of Implementing National Health Information Infrastructure in Iran, 2009*

Farkhonde Asadi; Hamid Moghaddasi; Aazamossadat Hosseini; Susan Azizi Gondozlu

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 619-631

  Introduction: Non-integrated health information has forced health sector to utilize information andcommunication technology (ICT). National health information infrastructure (NHII) integratesclinical and health information, decreases medical errors as well as costs, and increases patient’ssafety. ...  Read More

Original Article
The Cost-Benefit of Persian Books on Library and Information Sciences in Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, Ahwaz, Iran*

Firoozeh Zare Farashbandi; Parastoo Parsaei Mohammadi; Ehsan Geraei; Morteza Amraei

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 632-645

  AbstractIntroduction: Quantitative evaluations are considered as one of the appropriate criteria inaccepting or rejecting the selection of information resources in libraries. Through theseassessments, one can evaluate how much the selected resources meet the needs of the users. Thepresent study aimed ...  Read More

Original Article
Rate of Informed Decision-Making for Treatment Refusal in University Hospitals of Kashan, Iran*

Mehrdad Farzandipour; Abbas Sheikhtaheri; Monireh Sadeghi Jabali

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 646-654

  Introduction: Based on individual independence rights, patients can refrain from being treated orcan voluntarily discontinue their treatment after receiving full information. This study aimed toreview the reasons of treatment refusal and the status of informed refusals for patients.Methods: This was ...  Read More

Original Article
Organizational Structure of Medical Sciences University Libraries in Iran based on Stephen Robbins Model*

Zeinab Tamizi; Ebrahim Afshar; Saeed Rajaepour; Hossein Samavatian

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 655-662

  Introduction: It is necessary for every organization to periodically study its structure. The aim ofthis study was to identify the organizational structures of libraries of university of medicalsciences in Iran based on Stephen Robbins model.Methods: This was a descriptive survey. The study population ...  Read More

Original Article
Preparedness of Medical Records Department Staff in Undertaking New Roles of Health Information Management and Its Relationship with the Motivational and Inhibitory Factors of Participation in Continuing Educational Courses*

Leila Seyyed Esfahani; Haleh Ayatollahi; Mostafa Langarizadeh

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 663-670

  Introduction: Prior to offer and implementation of new jobs, the readiness of staff for fulfillingthese jobs and the factors affecting on their readiness should be investigated. This study aimed todetermine the relationship between the readiness of staff working in the medical recordsdepartment, in undertaking ...  Read More

Original Article
Effects of the Admission Guideline Form on Validity of Consent in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Iran*

Benyamin Mohseni Saravi; Azar Kabirzadeh; Esmaiel Rezazadeh; Ebrahim Bagherian Farahabbadi; Zolikha Asghari

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 671-678

  Introduction: Research has shown that medical consents are not valid. In fact, consents are usuallyprovided by unauthorized persons whose identification is not accurately approved. This researchtried to specify the effects of an admission guideline form on validity of medical consents.Methods: This experimental ...  Read More

Original Article
The Association between Social Capital and Learning Organization (A Case Study: Staff of Qom University of Medical Sciences)*

Hossein Mobaraki; Sayed Ali Akbar Ahmadi; Mohammad Reza Daraei; Mansureh Abbasi; Mohammad Hadi

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 679-685

  Introduction: In today’s changing world, in addition with establishing human capital, supportingsocial capital is one of other challenges in organizational behavior. Furthermore, social capital isa public characteristic, but it is resulted from individual efforts in making trust, relationships ...  Read More

Original Article
Potentials of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in Isfahan: A Qualitative Study*

Alireza Jabbari; Zahra Agharahimi; Zohreh Seid Moradi; Mahbobeh Ferdosi

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 686-696

  Introduction: Cosmetic surgery tourism, as one of the leading industries in the world, can be thesolution to strengthen the health and economic growth. The aim of this study was to identifycosmetic surgery tourism potential in Isfahan.Methods: This was a qualitative study conducted in 2011. Research ...  Read More

Original Article
Medical Records Departments and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making*

Sima Ajami; Saeedeh Ketabi

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 697-710

  Introduction: Medical Records Department (MRD) is important for evaluating, planning andprioritizing health care services. The major aim of this study was to evaluate the performance ofthe MRDs of hospitals using multi-criteria decision-making approach in the selected hospitals ofIsfahan city, Iran.Methods: ...  Read More

Original Article
Role of Clinical Decision Supporting Systems in Prevention of Medical Errors from the Perspective of Health Care Staff in University Hospitals of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran*

Manijeh Ariaei; Afshin Sarafi Nejad; Jamileh Kouti; Zahra Mehdipour; Kambiz Bahaadinbeigy

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 711-723

  Introduction: Computerized clinical decision support systems (CDSS) can be effective inreducing certain types of medical errors. This study aimed to assess the viewpoints of physiciansand nurses about practical use of these systems to prevent or decrease the incidence of errors.Methods: In a two-month ...  Read More

Original Article
Identifying the Fungal Health-Threatening Factors for Librarians and Users in Libraries of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences in 2011

Mostafa Chadeganipour; Hossein Rafiee; Rezvan Ojaghi; Seiyede Tayyebeh Hashemi; Ahmad papi; Mojtaba Akbari

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 724-732

  Introduction: Fungi are biological threatening which exist in all the environments. Libraries andarchive centers are a suitable environment for the growth of fungi. The aim of this study was toidentify fungal life-threatening factors for librarians and users in libraries of Isfahan University ofMedical ...  Read More

Original Article
Mediating Role of Individual-Organization and Individual-Job Proportion in Correlation with Public Service Motivation and Job Performance among Nurses of Governmental Hospitals in Isfahan, Iran*

Ali Naseri Mohammad Abadi; Abolghasem Nouri; Azadeh Askari; Robab Sadegh

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 733-743

  Introduction: Public service motivation (PSM) is one of the few motivational theories, whichinvestigates the motivation and its organizational outcomes such as job performance in public andgovernmental sectors. By emphasizing on direct effect of PSM on job performance, previousstudies led to contradictory ...  Read More

مقاله مروری نقلی
The Common Components and Models of Intellectual Properties Measurement*

Susan Bahrami; Saeed Rajaeepour; Mohammad Hosseinn Yarmohammadia

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 744-756

  The current world is the era of wisdom and knowledge. Endowments, natural and tangible assetsare not the key factor for success of communities and organizations; instead, management ofintangible assets in this turbulent and challenging environment for the organizations are the keysuccess factor for them. ...  Read More

مقاله مروری نقلی
Comparison of Models and Frameworks of Medical Research Impact Assessment*

Hamid R. Jamali

Volume 9, Issue 5 , November and December 2012, Pages 757-767

  The present review article aimed to identify, introduce and compare models and frameworks usedfor the impact assessment of medical research. Comprehensive searches were conducted invarious databases in order to identify models and frameworks. Those works that proposed amodel or framework were chosen ...  Read More