Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Health Services Management, Health Management and Economic Research Center, School of Health Management and Medical Informatics, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 phd Student, Health in disasters and emergencies; Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

3 MSc, Health Services Management, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, phd Student, Health in disasters and emergencies; Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: Effective socialization can influence the proportion of a person – job, fit the person - group fitness person - organization, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and consequently tend to increase survival and improve the efficiency and productivity of employees in organizations. So this article is about the evaluation of relation between those variables in two groups of employees in selected hospitals in Isfahan.  Method: This study is descriptive –correlation. The social is employees (nurses and official) of governmental educational Kashany, governmental uneducational Isabn Maryam  , charitable Hojatie and private  Sady hospitals  in Isfahan province. for determination of socialization the Biligard questioner and for productivity of employees the productivity questioner based on Gold Esmit model are used that the justifiability and stability of them are confirmed by professionals . Socialization in four areas: education, understanding, supportive colleagues and prospects and productivity capabilities in the 7 range, clarity or understanding, support, motivation, evaluation, validation; environment have been investigated.  Results: There is a direct and significant correlation between the entire areas of socialization (learning, understanding, support staff and future prospects of the organization) and a range of productivity (ability, clarity, support, motivation, evaluation, validation and environment) (p value <0.05). Increasing the efficiency of each of the areas of socialization is also increased productivity aspects. Personal characteristics such as age, sex, post, the history and the kind of employment, in spite of Sady hospital, haven’t any effect on socialization and productivity. Conclusion: Proper socialization increase employee involvement and commitment to the job and the organization, and ultimately the productivity and efficiency of the organization. Furthermore the management can use the benefit of employees and the productivity of the workforce as the most important asset in an organization's. Key words: Socialization; Productivity: Hospitals; Employees.