Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Industrial Management, yazd university, Yazd, Iran

2 MSc, Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

3 MSc of Industrial Management, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Introduction:  SOWT analysis is the strategic planning to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses (internal factors) and the opportunities and threats (external factors) of the environment. However, this technique can not determine the significance of each these factors from each other lonely, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) solves this problem. Methods: The purpose of the study is applicable and its type is Descriptive - case. The study Were carried out Based on a survey of experts from the hospital by 5 Questionnaire involving paired comparisons of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and then prioritize and determine the coefficients were performed using the software Expert choice 11 version. Results: The results of study revealed the weight of each group SWOT: the Strengths: 38%, Weaknesses: 8/6 opportunities: 4/44 and threats 1/09%. And in group strengths modern medical equipment with 9/9 percent, canceled surgeries with 4/2 percent of the group weaknesses and in opportunities Center identified as a scientific center with 13% and the lack of financial independence center with 4.4% are the most important determined priorities CONCLUSION: In strengths modern diagnostic – care equipment gained higher scores than the other options. In weaknesses the Significance of canceled surgeries and patient dissatisfaction is more. Center identified as a scientific center is the most important opportunity for hospitals and major threats that an organization faces is the lack of financial independence. Keywords: Hierarchical Analysis Process; Hospitals; Opportunities.