Document Type : Short Communication(s)


1 PhD, Assistant Professor, Health Services Management, Health Management and Economy Research Center, Isfahan Unuversity of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.

2 PhD Student, Health Services Management, Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

3 MSc, Psychology, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran


Many researchers in the universities are engaged in research and science production. Although the results of their researches are often released as articles in professional journals, long and technical reports are doubted to be comprehensible for those who need to use them. "Executive summary", as a short report derived from the final research report, is a format especially developed for knowledge users who affect or are affected by researches (research stakeholders). This short article reviewed the content and usage of executive summary in available online resources. It finally suggests executive summaries to be included in all research in addition to final reports. Key Words: Research; Publication; Research Strategy.