Document Type : Original Article(s)



Introduction: One of the objectives of the social medicine education is to train health workers who can manage the changing needs of the society. (Zoladi et al. 1377). Modern medicine mainly cares for the welfare of the society but it can not account for the treatment of the chronic diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, malaria, etc (Pejvak periodical. 1378). Social medicine acts as a great saviour in such critical cases. Materials and methods: The subjects of the study were selected from the population of freshmen and graduated students of Isfahan university of medical sciences. This was a descriptive analytic study and the date were collected by a questionnaire. Results: Students in the dentistry faculty had the highest mean of knowledge whereas students in the school of medicine had the lowest mean of knowledge. In addition, the students in the school of medicine had high socially attitude while the students in the rehabilitation faculty had low socially-oriented attitude. Discussion: By categorizing the students in different fields of study, it can be concluded that most of them had weak knowledge and low socially-oriented attitude.