Document Type : Original Article(s)



Introduction: In scientific meetings, researchers present their research findings of their dissertations and the scientific identity of the universities deperd on the quality of these scientific documents. The more the principles of writing are observed in these dissertations, the more easily and fluently the writer ¨smessage is transferred to the readers. Methods: This is a dexriptive study in which the mistakes in lefended dissertations of MS and MB students were classified into five groups: spelling grammar, puncutation, grgnization and comprehension. The date were anayzed by descriptive statistics. Results: 18.92% of mistakes were typographical. Next, in 13.61% of cases Hzmzeh was not writlen correctly. The most freqnet.mistakes were organizational and least frequent ones were grammatical. Discussion: The findings revealed that in order to improve the quality of dissertations, students should pay more attention to spelling of words, puncuation how to write Hamzeh, whether to connect the letter (ب) to the noun or verb and whether to connect two words or not. key words: writing principles, persian spelling, puncuation, editting dissertations, grammatical points, organization of research.