Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 Associate Professor, Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Shiraz, Iran

2 MSc, Medical Record Education, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Shiraz, Iran


Introduction: The current study was designed to focus on the status of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the personnel of Medical Records Departments of training hospital affiliated to Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Since occupational safety has a direct impact on efficiency, assessment of personnel health is of great importance. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive survey included 75 personnel of medical records departments. The required data were collected in Noredic and a demographic questionnaire. Results: It was shown that 92% of the subjects in this study suffered from musculoskeletal disorders. In 2005 they had 177 days off work. Also they were visited by a doctor because of musculoskeletal disorders 26 times in a year and they had 37 days off work. They reported that MSD or pain were present in lumbar 9.3%, neck 9.3%, shoulders 6.7% and wrist 10.7%. There was an insignificant relationship between demographic variables and work related injuries. In 69.3% of the cases, pain quality of MSD was observed at working and in 37.3% cases pain severity was with 3 degrees. Conclusion: Researchers propose use ergonomic factors in workplace to prevent musculoskeletal disorders for medical records staff. Keywords: Human Engineering; Medical Records; Personnel, Hospital