Document Type : Original Article(s)


1 PhD Student, Health Information Management, Iran University of Medical Sciences, and lecturer, Medical Documentation, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

2 PhD Student, Nursing, Iran University of Medical Sciences, and lecturer, Nursing, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

3 MSc, Medical Documentation, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran

4 MSc, Nursing, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran


AbstractIntroduction: The appropriate use of the hospital information computer networks and its acceptance by the health care personnel can improve the quality of health care services and decrease the expenses. This study investigated the views, attitudes and satisfaction of the nurses and clinical personnel about the effectiveness of hospital information system on some medical activities.Methods: This analytical study investigated the behavior, satisfaction and attitudes of 120 nurses, auxiliary nurses and secretaries working in the outpatients and admitting wards of the educational and medical center of Amir al-momenin in Semnan about the effectiveness of hospital information system on some of the caring activities during 2006 to 2007. Data were collected by a questionnaire whose reliability and validity were approved by investigating in scientific texts and test-retest. The questionnaire was filled by the personnel who had more than 3 years working experience. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics method with p=0.05.Results: Most of the personnel (80%) were using their wards' computer systems several times a day. They agreed with availability of appropriate health care information (55%), reduction of errors (45.8%), better supervision on patients' treatment process (28%), and improvement of the treatment results by using information systems (15%). These personnel believed that information system made it easier to search prescribed medicines (50%), and to find the patients difficulties (20%). In general, 52 subjects were satisfied by the effectiveness of system in some health care activities of the clinical wards and a few (4) were completely satisfied by that. There was a significant relation between the personnel satisfaction with HIS effectiveness on the patient caring process and the satisfaction with user-friendliness of the systems and the medical ward (p<0.05).Conclusion: The results showed that less than half of the clinical wards personnel were relatively satisfied with the effectiveness of HIS on the patients caring activities. To make this system more effective on the patients health care activities, the system should be in harmony with the dynamic nature of health care process. Therefore, it is recommended to use advanced hardware systems such as PDAs and laptops and voice recognition softwares to facilitate data entry in the clinical wards, as well as developing legal methods to prevent redundancy in nurses' daily activities.Keywords: Hospital Information systems; Computer systems; Nursing process; Nursing care; Nurses